Merge branch 'feature - Git of Cydua
NorbiPeti/GCDC-Server - src/main/java/io/github/norbipeti
You could also rebase your development branch on your now up-to-date local master. Past the initial upstream setup and master checkout, all you need to do is run the following command to sync your master with upstream: git pull upstream master. Today I noticed that github wanted me to use main instead of master. Close. Vote.
Merge branch 'master' of 2 parents public static void main(String[] args) throws Throwable{. Gren: master ""; ""; ); var version = "SNAPSHOT"; func main() {; handleFlags(); err := agent. Merge branch 'feature/add_sdcard_4_bits_mode_adf' into 'master'.
First commit · 330f0d7c6f - pi-hole-lists - Will's Git Server Merge pull request #202 from jaimefreire/master. Closing streams and consuming the entities so pools can reuse connect… master. Bob Carroll GitHub 3 år sedan.
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Starting from next month i.e from October 1, all-new source code repositories created on GitHub will be named as “main” instead of “master”. The company is doing this to remove unnecessary references to slavery and replace them with more inclusive terms. 2020-06-14 · GitHub is working on replacing the term “master” on its service with a neutral term like “main”.
Weblate 4 år sedan. förälder. 6d1db56512 b70c07d004 + 1.
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2020 Tous les nouveaux dépôts Git sur GitHub remplaceront les termes "master" (ou " maître") par "main" à partir du 1er octobre 2020. 16 Jun 2020 GitHub. For what it's worth, I'm *super* happy to rename the default branch structure of “master” to “main” and I hope we can all do this together 25 Dec 2018 Just go to the main repo.
kis3/main.go. 61 lines. 1020 B. Raw Permalink Blame History. package main.
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Merge branch 'master' of
GitHub - master vs main controversy. Close. 14. Posted by 7 months ago. Archived. GitHub - master vs main controversy. For the coding/tech ladies out there, how do Github의 Black lives matter 심심해서 Github 공식 블로그를 구경하다가 10월을 기점으로 Github에서 Repository를 생성할 때 Default 브랜치명이 master에서 main으로 바뀐다는 글을 보았다.
PirateCare/Syllabus - Syllabus - Memory of the Git
IT之家 9 月 20 日消息 从下个月开始,GitHub 上创建的所有新的源代码仓库都将被命名为 “main 此时,刷新GitHub,代码已上传. 四.develop master版本控制.
今回の変更は、米国ミネソタ州 ミネアポリスで5月25日に発生した、警官が黒人男性を拘束し窒息 21 sept. 2020 Tous les nouveaux dépôts Git sur GitHub remplaceront les termes "master" (ou " maître") par "main" à partir du 1er octobre 2020. 16 Jun 2020 GitHub. For what it's worth, I'm *super* happy to rename the default branch structure of “master” to “main” and I hope we can all do this together 25 Dec 2018 Just go to the main repo. (If you didn't do In your GitHub Desktop GUI client, select the master branch, and then click the Fetch origin button. 15 Jun 2020 Now, a similar move is seen on Microsoft's code repository, GitHub wherein the term 'master' will be replaced with 'main' to avoid unnecessary Github kommer från och med den 1 oktober att namnge alla nya repos som "main" och inte som det traditionella "master".