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in J.J.Roemer & J.A.Schultes, Syst. Veg., ed. 15 bis 6: 763 (1820). Drosera minor Alph.Wood, Class-book Bot.: 251 (1845), nom.

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It is by Chris Evans at University of Illinois. The Pink Sundew, Drosera capillaris, is a tiny carnivorous plant found in the South Eastern USA. The leaves form a rosette lying flat upon damp soil. The rosette  Discover Life's page about the biology, natural history, ecology, identification and distribution of Drosera capillaris - Pink sundew -- Discover Life mobile. 14 Apr 2020 Drosera capillaris Six months of Drosera capillaris. --- Šest mjeseci Drosere capillaris.

Drosera – Rasmus' Mojänger

Drosera capillaris Name Synonyms Drosera brevifolia subsp. major Hook.

Drosera capillaris

Property:Basionyms - FNA

Drosera capillaris

rotundifolia. flora - Drosera rotundifolia (sundew, round-leaved).

The plants will be shipped bare-rooted and well packaged for transportation. Drosera capillaris, the pink or spathulate-leaved sundew, is a small carnivorous plant of the family Droseraceae in the genus Drosera. It is easy to grow and does not require any winter dormancy!
Flour pronunciation

junto a esses estímulos temos também a dormideira/mimosa (não carnívora). Species of the Drosera capillaris group are found in North and South America. The group includes Drosera capillaris found in the south eastern USA and south coastal Brazil, D. esmeraldae found in Colombia and Venezuela, and D. biflora found in Venezuela and northern Brazil. The Central and South American species should be treated as subtropicals. Drosera capillaris (Poir.) - Americas; U.S. (Tex., La., Miss., Ala., Fla., Ga., ?Tennessee, SC., NC.), Mexico, Cuba, Costa Rica, Colombia, French Guiana, (maybe Surinam?), Guyana, Venezuela, Brazil (southern coast, maybe in N too) Subgenus: D. subg.

The "Mt. Romaima, Venezuela" form is the easiest Drosera intermedia to grow in a terrarium or cool greenhouse and does not form hibernacula even during freezing weather. All four of these species can interbreed among themselves and with the warm temperate species Drosera capillaris, Drosera brevifolia, Drosera filiformis, and Drosera tracyi.

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Vegetationsundersökningar i - DiVA

Drosera capillaris Poir.

Bilaga 4 Artinventering 2014

Drosera tenella Willd.

It is a small, low-lying plant with rounded traps and sticky tentacles. Although the plants are small in size, they can form large and robust rosettes.