Nyheter om crowdfunding


Svenska elbilen Uniti gör succé Allt om Bilar - Expressen

electrek.co, mynewsdesk.com, fundedbyme.com (crowdfunding campaign). The electronic control unit (ECU) is typically based on about 70 nodes, each the Swedish platform FundedByMe, with 570 investors contributing €1,227,990. 19 okt 2016 The case is done in collaboration with Uniti Sweden, an electric city car startup sin crowdfundingsida (FundedByMe, 2016):. Vi leder det mest  9 Nov 2017 Ya en octubre de 2016, Uniti realizó su primera campaña de crowdfunding en FundedByMe, con la que consiguió recaudar cerca de  Oct 14, 2016 So far, Uniti, which is crowd-funded through the FundedByMe network, has already garnered 150 percent of its planned capital of €500,000  Oct 11, 2016 urban electric car - A Swedish startup by the name of Uniti is bidding a crowdfunded campaign over on FundedByMe, this urban electric car  24 nov 2016 De Zweedse start-up Uniti heeft $ 1,3 mln opgehaald via het crowdfunding- platform FundedByMe, om zijn volledig elektrische en zeer kleine  25 nov 2016 Nu är kampanjen för Uniti på crowdfundingsajten FundedByMe avslutad. Slutet gott, allting gott är passande att säga i detta sammanhang. 5 dec 2017 Lundabaserade Uniti visar upp sin kommande elbil i Stockholm och i en crowdfundingkampanj på Fundedbyme är den svenska elbilen Uniti  10 nov 2014 22 3 Caso di studio sulla piattaforma di crowdfunding: FundedByMe .

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UNITI blir FundedByMe:s första officiella så kallade unicorn efter att ha värderats till över en miljard SEK i sin senaste finansieringsrunda. Uniti Sweden Electric Car Consumer Electronics Uniti Sverige är ett svenskt fordons start grundades januari 2016 av Lewis Horne (CEO) som FundedByMe-kampanjsida för Uniti · Kan det här vara framtidens bil? på FundedByMe erbjuds bli Svårt att få tillbaka pengar vid misslyckat Kickstarter-projekt — det bara om att tjäna pengar? För Unitis grundare  Vi åkte i god tid till Uniti car lanseringen i Landskrona för har jag satsat på FundedByMe crowfunding kampanj som Uniti hade, precis som de  Nu är kampanjen för Uniti på crowdfundingsajten FundedByMe avslutad.

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Annons från. Malmö Näringslivsgala. Av:. Unitifi's tools not only help the advisor understand what makes the client tick, but it also provides a clean summarized profile to assure the advisor and client  MyMe Unity.

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Fundedbyme uniti

UNITI announces final pricing & tech specs of the fully-electric UnitiOne. It's available to configure & order today at www.uniti.earth From crowdfunding to launch in just a few years. Not many entrepreneurs can match that drive nor ambition, and even fewer can deliver! När UNITI lanserade sin FundedByMe-kampanj, värderades företaget till EUR 9,800,000, vilket vid den tidpunkten var en av FundedByMe:s största kampanjer. Den här gången har de valt att ta in kapital till en värdering av £97,000,000, eller SEK 1,100,000,000, vilket gör dem till FundedByMe:s första unicorn och en av de första inom equity crowdfunding marknaden.

Uniti finished its FundedByMe campaign last year with more than 1.23 million euros ($1.4 million) from 570 investors in 45 countries. It launched a new equity crowdfunding campaign on its website Uniti Sweden raised $1.3 million on the Swedish crowdfunding site FundedByMe, with 570 people buying a stake in the fledgling auto company. Uniti Sweden has also started a YouTube series Uniti is currently seeking funding on FundedByMe, which operates a little differently to Kickstarter and Indiegogo by offering backers the opportunity to purchase shares in the company. The Uniti, which is crowd-funding through FundedByMe, has garnered 660,000 euros ($730,000 US) with 39 days left in its campaign. Uniti has lured 317 people to cut checks for its plan, which makes for First look at the Uniti One. Back in late 2016 a few students from Lund closed their first crowdfunding round attracting 567 investors who collectively invested more than €1,200,000 into one of
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The campaign was a roaring success straight from its launch, reaching their crowdfunding goal within 36 hours. UNITI announces final pricing & tech specs of the fully-electric UnitiOne.

eine Crowdinvesting-Kampagne auf FundedByMe 500.000 Euro ein. Oct 4, 2016 Finally but not least, is Uniti, a small start-up with a big goal: to their current funding campaign can be found at their Fundedbyme site. 21.
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Unitis mission var att revolutionera bilindustrin (Wilson, 2016). Som de själva beskrev det på sin crowdfundingsida (FundedByMe, 2016): Vi leder det mest  Den svenska elbilen Uniti har blivit riktigt populär på crowdfundingsajten Fundedbyme. Uniti planerar att ta in över fem miljoner kronor för att  "FundedByMe har tidigare framgångsrikt crowdfundat eldrivna fordon som. Uniti, Bzzt m.fll.

FundedByMe - Vi är så imponerade av Uniti och deras hårda

The following year, Uniti launched a self-crowdfunding campaign that received the backing… Read More. Uniti is bound to reinvent the automobile through its high-tech, sustainable and socially responsible city car.

At that time, the crowdfunding campaign was a huge success. Genom FundedByMe har vi fått 570 privata investerare från 36 länder, alltifrån universitetsstudenter till direktörer i några av världens största företag har investerat i Uniti. Den breda publiken investerare och det faktum att vi själva bestämmer aktieägaravtalet ger oss en stor fördel. Get started with us. Our team is happy to help with questions about crowdfunding or our other services. To contact us just send a message by clicking the circle icon in the corner below, email hello@fundedbyme.com or use another option on our contact page .