Kim Philby – Wikipedia
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He served as both an NKVD and KGB operative.2 In 1963, Philby was revealed to be a member of the spy ring now known as the Cambridge Five, the other members of which were Donald Maclean, Guy Burgess Harold Adrian Russell "Kim" Philby HotU OL ODN (1 januari 1912 - 11 maj 1988) var en brittisk underrättelseofficer och en dubbelagent för Sovjetunionen .1963 avslöjades han vara medlem i Cambridge Five , en spionring som överlämnade information till Sovjetunionen under andra världskriget och i de tidiga stadierna av det kalla kriget . Život. Kim Philby se narodil v Indii v roce 1912 pod jménem Harold Adrian Russell Philby jako syn Harryho St. Johna Philbyho, důstojníka britské armády, diplomata a orientalisty, který byl státním úředníkem v Mezopotámii a později poradcem krále Ibn Sa'uda v Saúdské Arábii. Kim Philbyn isä oli Intiassa palvellut brittiläinen siirtomaavirkamies St. John Philby, jonka kääntyi myöhemmin islamiin ja asui vuosikausia Lähi-idässä.
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Dum la studado li konatiĝis kun Guy Francis de Moncy Burgess, kiu kondukis lin al la spiona rondo de la Kembriĝa Kvinopo. With Ben Macintyre, David Oakes, William Beck, Mark Elliott. The story of Kim Philby, one of the famous Cambridge spies, who was a double agent for the KGB while working in a position of trust for the British secret service. Kim Philby, as depicted on a Soviet Union stamp The Cambridge Spy Ring was a group of spies in the United Kingdom that passed information to the Soviet Union during and after World War II . It was active from the later 1930s until at least into the early 1950s. Kim Philby va acabar reapareixent finalment a Moscou, i aviat descobriria que ja no era un coronel dins del KGB, sinó tan sols l'agent "Tom".Feia 10 anys de l'última vegada que havia entrat a la caserna central de l'organisme de seguretat del règim soviètic.
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Se hela listan på Kim Philby, właśc.Harold Adrian Russell Philby (ur.1 stycznia 1912 w Ambala, zm. 11 maja 1988 w Moskwie) – pracownik tajnych służb brytyjskich (MI6 – SOE), szpieg INO NKWD, jeden z członków tzw. Harold "Kim" Philby. Harold "Kim" Philby was a senior officer in Britain’s Secret Intelligence Service, known as MI6, who began his work for the Soviet Union as a spy in 1934.
Kim Philby -
Harold "Kim" Philby. Harold "Kim" Philby was a senior officer in Britain’s Secret Intelligence Service, known as MI6, who began his work for the Soviet Union as a spy in 1934. He went on to serve the KGB for 54 years.
Det som är häpnadsväckande att läsa böcker om underrättelsetjänsten. Jag läste med mycket stort nöje hans mästerliga bok om Kim Philby:
Texten från svenska Wikipedia Wikipedialogo_12pt.gif En av de mest kända mullvadarna var Kim Philby, som rekryterades som sovjetisk
Communist Party USA - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. The Communist Party USA (CPUSA) is a Marxist-Leninist[2] political party in the United States, and is
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Dum la studado li konatiĝis kun Guy Francis de Moncy Burgess, kiu kondukis lin al la spiona rondo de la Kembriĝa Kvinopo. With Ben Macintyre, David Oakes, William Beck, Mark Elliott. The story of Kim Philby, one of the famous Cambridge spies, who was a double agent for the KGB while working in a position of trust for the British secret service. Kim Philby, as depicted on a Soviet Union stamp The Cambridge Spy Ring was a group of spies in the United Kingdom that passed information to the Soviet Union during and after World War II .
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Kim Philby va acabar reapareixent finalment a Moscou, i aviat descobriria que ja no era un coronel dins del KGB, sinó tan sols l'agent "Tom".Feia 10 anys de l'última vegada que havia entrat a la caserna central de l'organisme de seguretat del règim soviètic. ハロルド・エイドリアン・ラッセル・「キム」・フィルビー(Harold Adrian Russell "Kim" Philby:1912年 1月1日 - 1988年 5月11日)は、イギリス 秘密情報部(MI6)職員でソビエト連邦 情報機関(NKVD、KGB)の協力者。
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1961-ben Anatolij Golicin, egy átállt szovjet hírszerző, a KGB áruló tisztje olyan adatokat adott a brit titkosszolgálatnak, amelyek Kim Philby kémtevékenységére utaltak. Az MI-5 Bejrútba küldte egyik ügynökét, hogy hallgassa ki Philby-t. 2013-01-24 · Known as ‘Kim’ to his friends, Philby secretly defected to the USSR from his home in Beirut, Lebanon, in 1963. He is widely considered history’s most successful double spy. While working as a senior member of British intelligence, he spied on behalf of the Soviet NKVD and KGB from the early 1930s until his defection.
That's it. The source code for the WIKI 2 extension is being checked by specialists of the Mozilla Foundation, Google, and Apple. You could also do it yourself at any point in time. Kim Philby, byname of Harold Adrian Russell Philby, (born January 1, 1912, Ambala, India—died May 11, 1988, Moscow, Russia, U.S.S.R.), British intelligence officer until 1951 and the most successful Soviet double agent of the Cold War period.. While a student at the University of Cambridge, Philby became a communist and in 1933 a Soviet agent.He worked as a journalist until 1940, when Guy Kim Philby, as depicted on a Soviet Union stamp. The Cambridge Spy Ring was a group of spies in the United Kingdom that passed information to the Soviet Union during and after World War II. It was active from the later 1930s until at least into the early 1950s.