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A new edition of the #1 text in the Human Computer Interaction field! Hugely popular with students and professionals alike, Interaction Design is an ideal resource for learning the interdisciplinary skills needed for interaction design, human–computer interaction, information design, web design and ubiquitous computing. Rogers, Y., Sharp, H., & Preece, J. (2011).
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Welcome to test bank and solution manual is available for the book mentioned below: Interaction Design: Beyond Human-Computer Interaction, 2nd Edition Helen Sharp, Yvonne Rogers, Jenny Preece At this website, you can get access to any book’s test bank , solution textbook, resources.
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Human-computer interaction. I. Rogers, Yvonne. 11. Sharp, Helen. 111. Interaction Design: beyond human–computer interaction offers a cross-disciplinary, practical and process-oriented introduction to the field, showing not just what principles ought to apply to interaction design, but crucially how they can be applied.
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