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To check the total money that you’ve spent on League of Legends, go to Riot’s official support page. I've probably spent around $200 bucks. How much money in total in League of Legends have you spent? Submitted by xMrReaper, 04-09-2020, 06:37 PM, Thread ID: 180273 I have talked with Izon in pms, therefore You are now a candidate for Full Membership. When in Discord, please wear the [C] tag, as in [C] IzonKAiser. Additionally, you now have access to #candidates-chat. Please find a Candidate Coordinator on Discord (myself, @MadCast: Kitty Stark, or @Mad Comment by League of Legends staff, You can now check how much money you've spent on RP on official LoL Support website.

If you’re like us and you’ve spent upwards of $1,000 since opening your account, it can be painful to see see Is There a Limit to How Much Money You Can Spend in League? There is no limit as to how much money you can spend on League of Legends. Judging by some posts on LoL subreddits, the average consensus is around $350. This is a very, very informal average based on when we’ve observed. To check the total money that you have spent in League of Legends, head over to Riots Game support page and login with your credentials.