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5). Ag3P silver phosphide. 6). IO2 iodine dioxide.
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YOH++. ZNI2. ZINC- DIIODIDE. 3). C2Br6 dicarbon hexabromide. 4). Cr(CO3)3 chromium (VI) carbonate.
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12) potassium acetate copper (1) phosphate. 13) gallium oxide iron (11) phosphide - disilicon hexabromide __. 14) tetrasulfur dinitride. IF, iodine monofluoride, 28.6%.
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8). PbS. benzene hexabromide. 六溴<化>苯 diiodine hexachloride. 六氯化二碘 iodine . 碘. 3178 iodine heptafluoride. 七氟化碘.
The ‘Substance identity’ section is calculated from substance identification information from all ECHA databases. The substance identifiers displayed in the InfoCard are the best available substance name, EC number, CAS number and/or the …
Diiodine dichloride Dicarbon octafluoride Phosphorus Trichloride k. m. Carbon tetrabromide Sulfur Hexafluoride trinitrogen hexabromide e. Diphosphorus pentoxide Silicon dioxide .
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The ‘Substance identity’ section is calculated from substance identification information from all ECHA databases. The substance identifiers displayed in the InfoCard are the best available substance name, EC number, CAS number and/or the molecular and structural formulas. As written, it is diiodine hexabromide. It seems to be a dimer of iodine tribromide, however (IBr3). 0 0.
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Personeriadistritaldesantamarta 706-993 Phone Numbers
co Carbon monoxide. S3Cl4. Disulfur hexaoxide. S3F5. Carbon dioxide. S3F6.
EC Index Number 234-740-2 Hexabromide definition is - a bromide containing six atoms of bromine in the molecule. Game loaded, click here to start the game! tricarbon hexabromide chemical formula. Game Info; Share; More Games Diiodine dichloride Dicarbon octafluoride Sulfur Hexafluoride trinitrogen hexabromide e. Diphosphorus pentoxide Silicon dioxide . Title: Full page photo Author: I2Cl7 diiodine heptachloride. S3I9 trisulfur nonaiodide.