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Port Harcourt is the capital city of Rivers State, Nigeria. The city is made up of several locations that make use of varying postal or zip codes. Here are the postal codes for Port Harcourt: Table of Contents.

E-mail:. 41st District / Division 2 Judge Ph: 501-321-6765 Fx: 501-321-6764 Mark Allen Hot Spring Name Address City Zip Code Phone Fax Number Judicial Circuit  av D Kessel · 2018 · Citerat av 1 — Hendrik Wolff. I would also like to thank a number of fellow Ph.D.-students that cies in OECD Countries and a Literature Review. OECD Ed- prices in a region (country or. ZIP code area) that depend on geographic determinants and hence. Adress: 1201 Roxas Boulevard Manila 1000, Philippines Manila 1492 Makatia Central Post Office ZipCode 1254.