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Work out how much super you'll have by the time your retire and how long your super will last. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander members Take control of your money with the My Money Dream online programme – it’s free for GESB members. GESB Super is a taxed, market-linked super scheme that offers below-median 1 fees and consistent and sound long-term investment returns.. To help you grow your super, we offer a range of investment plans targeting different levels of risk and return, designed to give you a choice in how your money is invested. GESB Super and West State Super are both classified as EPSSSs.
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Key: Fine Work to do Borderline Out of line The schemes administered by the Government Employees Superannuation Board include: GESB Super – A taxed accumulation scheme. The open default fund Accounts and features. +. GESB Super · West State Super · Gold State Super · Which account do you have? Our GESB Super new member checklist GESB Financial Advice. GESB super funds can have powerful tax and wealth accumulation benefits if used correctly and by a team with experience in working in The GESB Gold State Super Fund is a 'defined benefit fund', meaning your superannuation benefit is not 'market linked' and is backed by the Western Australian Many super funds and portfolio managers delivered strong results in FY2019, and The GESB Super Growth Plan over 2018-19 year returned 7.5% after fees Version 01-e0-02 page iii.
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2015-12-30 Contribution caps for GESB Super or West State Super, do not include contributions already made to your Gold State Super account. Therefore, you should not rely solely on these results. We recommend you revisit this calculator on a regular basis as your circumstances, tax and other rules can change over time. The low-income superannuation tax offset (LISTO) has been allowed for in this calculator for a taxed super fund, such as GESB Super.
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Fees . Currently (2020) GESB Super would cost you twice as much in fees as some other super funds. What has happened over the years, is that many super funds pricing (fees) has become extremely sharp, to the point where they are half the fees of a GESB account. GESB has quite low fees and does pretty good, the real benefit though is if you have a grandfathered West State or Gold state account which was pre-2006 I think (need to check). That means it's a non-taxed fund and you only pay tax on withdrawals not the earnings so better return over time due to compound interest.
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GESB is the largest Western Australian based superannuation provider, administering the super and retirement savings of current and former WA public sector employees. Understanding contributions like salary sacrifice and the government co-contribution can help you make the most of your super. Fourthly, and most importantly, make sure you review GESB Super against other super funds under the ‘Fund Profiles’ tab and check out the top super funds, to see who the leaders are. The low-income superannuation tax offset (LISTO) has been allowed for in this calculator for a taxed super fund, such as GESB Super.
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The default investment option selected is the GESB Super Balanced Growth option.
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GESB. Superannuation Fund, Annuity & Rollover Consultants.
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åTLFLPSU!ådBS!NBO!MÊUU!QÌ! OÊUFU". t!&FU!åOOT!NÌOHB Super man: Howard Rosario, Former CEO of GESB.
From 30 March, 2012, GESB's 320,000 Find out which superannuation funds and industry service providers are members of the Government Employees Superannuation Board – www.gesb. com.au. Private equity and Property asset classes. GESB manages $18 billion, administering the super and retirement of current and former WA public sector workers. Two philosophies dominate superannuation remuneration – those who believe top dollar and bonuses attract the best, and those who believe this is the 5, Transport Superannuation Fund, Transport Superannuation Act 1988 (Vic.) 6, GESB Super (Retirement Access) Scheme, State Superannuation Act 2000 (WA). 9 Dec 2020 The annual super fund awards do more than cheer the best performers; they offer an insight into the range of services that give some funds the The $17 billion West Australian Government super fund, GESB, has terminated its asset consulting contract Read more.