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MarineAM welcomes Konrad Bergström, Founder of X Shore, the Swedish technology startup behind a game-changing generation of fully-electric, smart boats. Konrad Bergström, a founder of the headset and speaker company Zound Industries, has the sea in his blood.His grandmother came from a family of fishermen on the West coast of Sweden while his Konrad Bergström and X Shore have set out to change the boating industry, one electric motor at a time. Timing is everything for Konrad Bergström. So when he first got the idea for X Shore in 1996, he trademarked the name immediately, but didn’t launch the company he had in mind just yet. It wasn’t the right time.

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2019-06-03 · Annual sales goals for the coming years one through five are a modest 10, 45, 200, 1000 and 2000 boats. The price is projected to decrease to $100,000 or less. Bergström revels in hard work Konrad Bergström startade en distribution av surfingbrädor och skateboardar. ”Den växte snabbt, men gick tyvärr i konkurs eftersom jag inte lyckades finansiera tillväxten. Jag var ’kär’ i mitt företag och tog fel beslut. Jag hade satsat allt.

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Bland annat genom samarbetet med teknikkonsultbolag Etteplan är företaget på väg att göra sig ett namn i marina kretsar. Konrad Bergström is president and founder of X Shore, a Swedish startup building 100% electric-powered boats.

Konrad bergström boat

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Konrad bergström boat

This isn’t to say it’s not a competitive market. Even at home, X Shore faces plenty of competition Konrad Bergström's boat brand presents the full-electric boat X Shore Eelex 8000. Electric propulsion becomes more and more a trend in the yachting industry. Even as hybrid solution (generators and battery packs) for superyachts or full-electric boats. Interview: Konrad Bergström on electric boats and stirring up the industry By Cassandra Tanti - September 27, 2019 But the Principality is also leading the world in sustainable practices, so it is unsurprising to see, floating beside these incredible mega yachts, a far less lavish but no less interesting boat made out of cork. MarineAM welcomes Konrad Bergström, Founder of X Shore, the Swedish technology startup behind a game-changing generation of fully-electric, smart boats.

Bringing your friends we can all be proud of”. Konrad Bergström, founder, will share his story. You have probably listened to music in his headphones and maybe heard about the revolutionary electric boat company X Shore. Konrad Bergström started  Eva Niklasson, Försäljningschef, Cremo Boats AB. 09:45. Candela Speed Boat. 10.00.
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”Den växte snabbt, men gick tyvärr i konkurs eftersom jag inte lyckades finansiera tillväxten. Jag var ’kär’ i mitt företag och tog fel beslut.

Det bekräftar Konrad Bergström för Di Digital i en skriftlig kommentar. ”Det har varit en minst sagt stökig period i bolaget och även mellan delägarna. I dag har jag ingen insyn i bolaget och har därför valt att sälja 300 000 aktier för att investera i mitt nya spännande projekt, Xshore elbåtar, som redan röner stora framgångar internationellt”, säger han.
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Ny elbåt från X Shore lanserad Elbilsnytt

Det första huset blev inte som han hade tänkt sig, så det rev han. Det nya huset lät han sin 17-åriga dotter smyginviga med en brakfest.

X Shore - X Shore - qaz.wiki

Med Facebook kan du dela ditt This year we’ve been attending Volta customers from across Europe during the whole duration of the Düsseldorf boat show. Electric boating was present at the show stronger than ever and we were happy to be able to present you most of the products we offer at the same place!

”Rolls Royce har  From Zound to Silence With Electric Boat Entrepreneur Konrad Bergström Zound he went on to start making silent and fast electric boats for a global market. This $280,000 silent electric boat was inspired by electric eels. July 01 2020. X Shore's Konrad Bergström: “There is Scope for Positive Impact”. June 29 2020. X Shore - 100% Electric Boats.