Tema – U6.NO
Ivaylo Hlebarov Team leader Air Quality Ms Viveka PALM. Director European Union > European Commission > Eurostat > Sectoral and regional statistics (ESTAT.E) 5, rue Alphonse Weicker • L-2721 Viveka Palm Director Sectoral and regional statistics, Eurostat, European Commission på EUROSTAT Sverige 201 kontakter Viveka Palm is a co-chair of the UN Inter-Agency and Expert Group for the Sustainable Development Goal Indicators (IAEG-SDG) since 2019. She has been a representative in the group for North America and Northern and Western Europe since 2015. Viveka Palm, Annica Carlsson, Sebastian Constantino (SCB) Elsa Varela, Robert Mavsar (EFIMED) Forestry Accounts in CREEA Compiling and Refining Environmental and Economic Accounts EUROSTAT FORESTRY STATISTICS, WORKING GROUP 29th of November 2012 Luxembourg CREEA Viveka PALM | Cited by 764 | of KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm (KTH) | Read 33 publications | Contact Viveka PALM Mr Luca ASCOLI Ms Viveka PALM Ms Merja RANTALA² Directorate E Sectoral and regional statistics Mr Lukasz AUGUSTYNIAK G6: Trade in services; Globalisation B2: Strategy and programming; ESS governance C2: National accounts production D2: Excessive deficit procedure (EDP) 1 E2: Environmental statistics and accounts; Sustainable development Förfrågningar Viveka Palm, +46 8 506 942 19 . Inquiries. viveka.palm@scb.se . Bedömning baserad på EU:s SDI med data från Eurostat .
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Global DSDs Presenter: Arturo de la Fuente, Eurostat Paper: Global Data structure definitions (DSDs) (Eurostat) LUNCH 12:40-13:40 8. Economy wide material flow accounts - a panel discussion (Discussant: Viveka Palm, Statistics Sweden, panel Aldo Femia, Istat, Sven Kaumanns, Destatis and Arturo de la Viveka Palm of Statistics Sweden, with contributions and comments from the statistical agencies in all five Nordic countries, and has also received valuable input from members of the MEG on draft versions. OECD and Eurostat decided on a definition many years ago that has been thoroughly tested. During this time, a manual has been produced (Eurostat 2001) and training sessions were developed, e.g. for Eurostat by the Austrian Statistical Viveka Palm, Maja Cederlund, Nancy Steinbach, SCB - Viveka Palm (Head of Eurostat Directorate on Sectoral and Regional Statistics) Organisational and technical issues: - Michael Nagy (UNECE) 13:20 – 13:30 Update on discussions of work of UNCEEA, including revised SEEA-EA, at the 52 nd Session of the United Nations Statistical Commission (2-5 March jöräkenskaper, och Viveka Palm, enhetschef på enheten Miljöekonomi och naturresurser. Rapporten uttrycker inte nödvändigtvis Naturvårdsverkets ställ-ningstaganden.
Rapport: Utvärdering av Sveriges status med EU:s - SCB
Global DSDs Presenter: Arturo de la Fuente, Eurostat Paper: Global Data structure definitions (DSDs) (Eurostat) LUNCH 12:40-13:40 8. Economy wide material flow accounts - a panel discussion (Discussant: Viveka Palm, Statistics Sweden, panel Aldo Femia, Istat, Sven Kaumanns, Destatis and Arturo de la Viveka Palm of Statistics Sweden, with contributions and comments from the statistical agencies in all five Nordic countries, and has also received valuable input from members of the MEG on draft versions. OECD and Eurostat decided on a definition many years ago that has been thoroughly tested. During this time, a manual has been produced (Eurostat 2001) and training sessions were developed, e.g.
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Ute Roewer, Eurostat. Thanks to the Eurostat subsidy reflection group and the environmental statistics. Viveka Palm,. Statistics International reporting obligations within environment, 2007. SCB. Eurostat. 12 reporting obligations.
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EEA Scientific Committee (Chair)* 2 7. Global DSDs Presenter: Arturo de la Fuente, Eurostat Paper: Global Data structure definitions (DSDs) (Eurostat) LUNCH 12:40-13:40 8. Economy wide material flow accounts - a panel discussion (Discussant: Viveka Palm, Statistics Sweden, panel Aldo Femia, Istat, Sven Kaumanns, Destatis and Arturo de la Viveka Palm of Statistics Sweden, with contributions and comments from the statistical agencies in all five Nordic countries, and has also received valuable input from members of the MEG on draft versions. OECD and Eurostat decided on a definition many years ago that has been thoroughly tested.
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Viveka Palm. Annica Carlsson. Anders Wadeskog.
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Environment statistics and accounts at SCB - UNECE
Enquiries Viveka Palm +46 10-479 4219 Viveka.palm@scb.se It is permitted to copy and reproduce the contents in this publication. When quoting, please state the source as follows: Source: Statistics Sweden, Monitoring greenhouse gas transfers – focusing on transfers related to fossil fuel for monitoring Agenda 2030 and SEEA .
RM/MN Miljöekonomi och Naturresurser
Adj Professor KTH, Inst för hållbar utveckling, European Union > European Commission > Eurostat > Sectoral and regional statistics (ESTAT.E) Director: Ms Viveka PALM. 5, rue Alphonse Weicker • L-2721 • (postal office Box: L-2920) • Luxembourg • Luxembourg. Sublevels. Map. Viveka Palm, Statistics Sweden; Vincent Willi, Federal Statistical Office (FSO), Switzerland; Natacha Zuinen, Federal Planning Bureau (until August 2012), Service Public de Wallonie (from September 2012), Belgium. Contributors: Viktoria Bolla, Eurostat; Sarka Buyny, … Enquiries Viveka Palm +46 10-479 4219 Viveka.palm@scb.se It is permitted to copy and reproduce the contents in this publication. When quoting, please state the source as follows: Source: Statistics Sweden, Monitoring greenhouse gas transfers – focusing on transfers related to … Eurostat Working Papers 2/2001/B/1 3 May 2001 Uses of Environmental Accounts in Sweden Prepared for DG Environment and Eurostat by: Viveka Palm Statistics Sweden The report is prepared on commission from EUROSTAT, which supports and co-ordinates development of environmental statistics in the EU member states. The European Commission (DG Environment) has contributed financially to the project.
Facebook gives people the power to share and makes the world more open and connected. Environmental accounts and environmental statistics Viveka Palm, Statistics - Bern, Bonn, etc EPA Eurostat 12 reporting obligations OECD Other involved SCB environmental statistics. Viveka Palm,. Statistics International reporting obligations within environment, 2007. SCB. Eurostat. 12 reporting obligations. OECD.