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Upphandlingar: English translation, definition, meaning

The Ecolabel is also known under the name of the European ecological certificate. This certificate confirms that the product meets the sustainability criteria established by the EU. It also guarantees that the product conforms to strict European requirements. The EU Ecolabel certificate was published by the Belgium Competent Body, an independent organization responsible for evaluating, presenting awards, and managing the national application of EU Ecolabel. The Certification & Compliance Team (C&C) Department started the journey of obtaining this certificate.

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of long term effect concentrations (CF = 1/EC50) listed in the EU Ecolabel DID. They organize seminars for local authorities on eco-labelling schemes and green public procurement. Copy Report an error. Offentliga upphandlingar i Liberia  Vertex medical term definition. 14:37 Vertex definition, the highest point of something; apex; summit; top: the vertex of a mountain.

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A label on a product that states that it has been produced in an environmentally friendly manner. (noun) 2020-06-26 “EU Ecolabel is a label of environmental excellence that is awarded to products and services meeting high environmental standards throughout their life-cycle: from raw material extraction, to production, distribution and disposal”. The following paragraph can be used by companies on marketing brochures/websites: The EU Ecolabel logo is a guarantee to consumers that the product they are considering for purchase has a lower environmental impact in comparison to similar products on the market.

Eu ecolabel meaning

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Eu ecolabel meaning

English. The meaning of symbols and terms used in this annex English. Award of the EU Ecolabel and terms and conditions of its use  av S ROOS · 2016 · Citerat av 15 — Case study 1: Assessing the comparative significance of textile chemicals . of long term effect concentrations (CF = 1/EC50) listed in the EU Ecolabel DID. They organize seminars for local authorities on eco-labelling schemes and green public procurement. Copy Report an error. Offentliga upphandlingar i Liberia  Vertex medical term definition.

Det är en Typ 1-märkning, precis som Svanenmärket. Vilket betyder att den är oberoende, jobbar enligt ett livscykelperspektiv och med en helhetssyn när kriterier tas fram. The EU Ecolabel is Europe's counterpart to the Nordic Swan Ecolabel and one of the world's top ecolabels.
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5 No parts of the tissue   Jun 1, 2020 After several stakeholder consultations rounds, the EU Ecolabel in a fund, while fund labels mainly reward a well-defined selection and  Nov 26, 2020 Keywords Consumers' evaluation Eco-labelling.

For example, the European Union (EU) Flower is Europe's  Jul 2, 2010 approximately 50% of European citizens ecolabels play a significant tougher the ecolabel, meaning the more criteria are included in the. About EU Ecolabel. The EU Ecolabel is Europe's counterpart to the Nordic Swan Ecolabel and one of the world's top ecolabels. It is a Type 1 Ecolabel, just  31 janv.
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Translations in context of "eu ecolabel" in English-Spanish from Reverso Context: Stayokay had an EU Ecolabel and has its own sustainability program. EFAMA’s COMMENTS ON JRC’s TECHNICAL REPORT ON EU ECOLABEL DRAFT CRITERIA PROPOSAL FOR THE PRODUCT SCOPE AND ECOLOGICAL CRITERIA . 6 May 2019 .

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By law, the European Community Energy Label must be displayed on all new household products displayed for sale, hire or hire-purchase. The Directive applies to the following types of household appliances, even where these are sold for non-household uses: refrigerators, freezers and their combinations; washing machines, dryers and their combinations; dishwashers; ovens; water heaters and hot Figures from EU Ecolabel Facts and Figures: September 2020. Third, labels encourage a general raising of environmental performance, even among products that aren't labeled.

Create an account at Ecat_Admin , which is the EU Commission's system for the administration of licences and products with the EU-Ecolabel. In the EU Commission's guide to Ecat, you can see how you create an account and use the system to apply for or make changes to a licence. The guide is available here in English. the EU Ecolabel. Indeed, current thresholds are not considered strict enough, whereas the EU Ecolabel should stand for environmental excellence in the market.