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adverb: Describes a verb, adjective, adverb, or clause--for example, "come quickly ," " very rare," "happening now ," "fall down ." English words for exactamente include exactly, just, precisely, accurately, quite, right, strictly, correctly, truly and punctually. Find more Spanish words at Learn the translation for ‘exactamente’ in LEO’s English ⇔ Spanish dictionary. With noun/verb tables for the different cases and tenses links to audio pronunciation and relevant forum discussions free vocabulary trainer When words sound different in isolation vs. in a sentence, look up the pronunciation first in a dictionary, then use Traducir exactamente en inglés.

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USD $. © 2021 italki HK Limited. CompanyCareers. HIRING NOW. English · Español · eesti · Suomeksi · Français · עברית · हिंदी · Hrvatski · Magyar · Indonesian · Italiano · Japanese · 한국어 · Lietuviškai · Srpski · Latviešu Oferece exactamente aquilo que o seu negócio precisa. O im´´ovel é composto por: - 1 escritório, 6 salas, 5 WC´s, 1 cozinha industrial, 1 refeitório, 1 lavandaria,  Kommentar : Realicé la compra y lo he recibido 10 dias antes de la fecha estimada en buen estado y todo bien protegido, la cama es exactamente igual a lo  El artículo de referencia 1, en la continuación, escrito exactamente hace cinco años, explica todos los See also references #1 and 2 below, both in English.).

sí, eso es, exactly [adverb] just; quite; absolutely. precisely [adverb] used to express complete agreement. right [adverb] exactly. just [adverb] (with as) equally. just [adverb] (often with as) exactly or precisely. for all the world exactly, quite etc. to the minute (of time) exactly; precisely.
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exactamente British English: exactly / ɪɡˈzæktlɪ / ADVERB Exactly means in an exact manner, accurately or precisely.

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