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On Wednesday, Baltic Horizon Fund (NHCBHFFS:STO) closed at 11.70, -10.69% below its 52-week high of 13.10, set on Jun 23, 2020. At Yahoo Finance, you get free stock quotes, up-to-date news, portfolio management resources, Baltic Horizon Fund (NHCBHFFT.TL) Add to watchlist. Tallinn - Tallinn Real Time Price. Fund Baltic Horizon Fund IFRS International Financial Reporting Standards Management Company Northern Horizon Capital AS, register code 11025345, registered address at Tornimäe 2, Tallinn 15010, Estonia NAV Net asset value for the Fund NAV per unit NAV divided by the amount of units in the Fund at the moment of determination. Baltic Horizon Fund / Northern Horizon Capital Company Announcement Baltic Horizon Fund declared approx. EUR 3.18 million cash distribution to investors.

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ETF; Actively-Managed Funds; Leverage Certificates; Tracker Certificates; Certificates; Warrants; Alternative Investment Funds; Knocked-out instruments; Trade Reports BALTIC HORIZON FUND : Fond avaldab 2020. aasta kolmanda kvartali majandustulemused eesti keeles 1.detsembril 2020 2021-03-19 · At the end of 2020, the fair value of the Fund’s portfolio was EUR 340.0 million (31 December 2019: EUR 358.9 million) and incorporated a total net leasable area of 153,345 sq. m. The valuation The net asset value (NAV) of Baltic Horizon Fund (the Fund) unit at end of February 2021 amounted to EUR 1.1416 per unit. Compared to the previous month, NAV per unit decreased by -0.23%.

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About Baltic Horizon Fund Baltic Horizon Fund is a closed-end contractual investment fund registered in Estonia and also listed on Nasdaq Stockholm. BALTIC HORIZON FUND : News, information and stories for BALTIC HORIZON FUND | TALLINN STOCK EXCHANGE: NHCBHFFT | TALLINN STOCK EXCHANGE On Wednesday, Baltic Horizon Fund (NHCBHFFS:STO) closed at 11.70, -10.69% below its 52-week high of 13.10, set on Jun 23, 2020. View the latest quote, returns and news for Baltic Horizon Fund (NHCBHFFT). Barron's provides information on holdings, historical returns and other key fund data.

Baltic horizon fund stock

NHCBHFFS Stock Fund Price and Chart — OMXSTO

Baltic horizon fund stock

Unique opportunity in Baltic stocks .

Baltic Horizon Fund (STO).
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The size of the bond issue is EUR 10 million.

Performance charts for Baltic Horizon Fund (NHCBHFFS) including intraday, historical and comparison charts, technical analysis and trend lines. 2021-03-22 · Baltic Horizon Fund (further "BH") is a regulated closed-end contractual investment fund registered in Estonia.
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REIT investing in. commercial properties About Fund. Strong focus on delivering 7-9%. annual dividend Fund Units Nordic Corporate governance. approach Fund Governance A portfolio of 15 commercial properties. worth over 345 mln EUR … Baltic Horizon Fund is the first commercial real estate fund with a dispersed portfolio listed on Tallinn and Stockholm stock exchanges, which invests in business real estate in Tallinn, Riga and Vilnius. See more.

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The NAV decrease was mainly affected by distribution to unitholders of EUR 1.3 million. 2020-10-06 · 3.

Baltic Horizon Fund publishes its NAV for March 2018 - Baltic; Net asset value bsvenska. Illustration handla om Falling New York main USA stock market index Balco, Balder, Baltic Dry Index, Baltic Horizon Stock market index All  Stock Alerts Just another WordPress site Baltic Horizon Fund publishes its NAV for February 2021 · StoneMor Inc. Announces Date of Annual  Forza Horizon 3 - HUR MAN TJÄNAR PENGAR - YouTube Sälja Vilken Forza Horizon 4 — Created with Highstock Baltic Horizon Fund Jan  02/08, JACK MA : SoftBank's Son hails 'golden eggs' as Vision Fund rallies. Baltic Horizon Fackförbund, Fagerhult, Fake news, Falcon Funds, ETF USD (Dist) till kurs (följer MAC Global Solar Energy Stock Index, läs mer  Get stock market news and analysis, investing ideas, earnings calls, charts and portfolio analysis tools. Baltic Horizon Fund (STO). Time. Academedia · Acando · Acap Invest · Acarix · Acast · Accent Equity · Acconeer Baker McKenzie · Bakkafrost · Balco · Balder · Baltic Dry Index · Baltic Horizon Fake news · Falcon Funds · Fallskärm · FAM · Fannie Mae · Fantasma Games  Baltics Horizon Fund, Strukturerade produkter, Certifikat/Korg, Warrant, ETF, X. Emittent, Blackrock 1), Strukturerade produkter, Certifikat/Korg, Warrant, ETF, X. Baltic horizon fund stock. NHCBHFFS Diagram och kurser — Visa BALTIC HORIZON FUND-diagram live för att se de senaste prisändringarna.