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NVivo - textanalys & kvalitativ analys av intervjuer, video & ljud
NVivo Plus. All the functionality of NVivo Pro with an additional set of specialized tools to support frontier research practices. NVivo Plus has powerful automated processing to support fast, 'broad-brush' analysis with the ability to automatically code large sets of data. Download the Latest Version of NVivo Log into the myNVivo portal to download the latest version of NVivo (released March 2020). Download Older Versions of NVivo - NVivo 12, NVivo 11 and NVivo 10 If you have an NVivo license for NVivo 12, NVivo 11 and NVivo 10, you can download the version you require within the myNVivo portal. Se hela listan på NVivo qualitative data analysis software helps to discover richer insights from your qualitative & mixed methods research.
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Refer to Understand text match settings for more information. Click the Run Query button at the top of Detail View. Build your data analysis software quote with our customer pricing builder. Buy now, or contact our team today with any questions before your purchase! NVivo Plus 12 / 12.6 WINDOWS/MAC Orders are unable to be processed if you do not use your UNIVERSITY OF LEEDS E-MAIL ADDRESS when registering with the University of Leeds Online Store.
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Demonstrated on NVivo 12 in Windows but could be quite useful for users of NVivo 11, 10 and 9 when you move o About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators If you are using NVivo Pro or NVivo Plus, you can also use a Coding query to: Search for content coded at multiple nodes and use operators to further refine the query—for example, what do young farmers say about alternative energy? Introduction to NVivo software NVivo Plus installation and help QSR NVivo Plus is qualitative software available on Microsoft Windows and Mac that helps you to work with unstructured information like documents, surveys, audio, video and pictures — so that you can ultimately make better decisions. NVivo unterstützt Ihre qualitative Datenanalyse und ist für praktische jede qualitative Forschungsmethode geeignet. Durch den Einsatz von NVivo – der Nr 1 der Qualitativen-Datenanalyse-Software (QDA-Software) – ermöglichen Sie umfassendere Erkenntnisse und können klar formulierte, belastbare Ergebnisse liefern.
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Durch den Einsatz von NVivo – der Nr 1 der Qualitativen-Datenanalyse-Software (QDA-Software) – ermöglichen Sie umfassendere Erkenntnisse und können klar formulierte, belastbare Ergebnisse liefern. There are two editions of NVivo 12 Windows client software: Pro and Plus. Each edition features a different level of functionality to support a range of projects and research needs. The client license key determines the edition—some licenses allow access to more than one edition. NVivo är ett datorprogram som används inom kvalitativ forskning. Detta analysverktyg skapades 1997, och det har sina rötter i universitetsprojektet NUD*IST från 1981. Kvalitativ forskning innebär analys av lågt strukturerade data, [ förtydliga ] som intervjuer, enkäter med öppna svar, videoavsnitt med mera.
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Licenses for the latest release of NVivo all come with access to the NVivo - Integration add-in for 12 months at no additional cost. Plus, NVivo integrates easily with the programs you use every day. NVivo Plus.
They enable both traditional types of qualitative and mixed methods coding…as well as other computational capabilities like auto coding and machine learning.
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The Plus version will install by default.