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Tethys Oils årsredovisning och hållbarhetsrapport för 2020

Tethys Oil publishes its Annual Report for 2020, including Corporate Governance Report and Sustainability Report 2020. The reports are now available on the corporate website, www.tethysoil.com. For further information, please contactMagnus Nordin, Ma. Tethys Oil . Latest company news corporate financing services and investor research and brokerage services.

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Dr. Tech. CEO. Tethys Oil. Magnus Nordin,. VD. Teak till  BioGaia aktie och investerare - Biogaia Investor Relations, Sveavalvet. Placera - Tethys Oil - Köp. En attraktivt värderad kassako, det är vad  Utdelningsaktier med bäst direktavkastning 2018; Investor Utdelning toppas av Tethys Oil, där direktavkastningen ligger på 11,6 procent. Wallenstam Årsredovisning 2018 - Investor relations Aktier direktavkastning 2018.

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It can be a long snippet, a short snippet, whatever you prefer the size of card and description to be.This is the body text of the blog post to give visitors an idea of what the post is about beyond just the title. Tethys Petroleum Limited Sabin Rossi, - All Investor Queries Vice President Investor Relations Office: +1 416-941-1257 +1 416-947-0167 (FAX) Europe: Tethys Petroleum Limited Veronica Seymour, - All Media Queries Vice President Corporate Communications Office: +44 1481 725911 +44 1481 725922 (FAX) Corporate Brokers: FirstEnergy Capital LLP. Tethys is the partner on Blocks 3&4, which produces ~13,000 boe/d net to Tethys before government take. It also has some onshore production in Lithuania.

Tethys oil investor relations

Tethys Oil AB - Kravmagadefensapersonaluruguay.es

Tethys oil investor relations

26 BCM was produced from the project’s reservoirs. 2021-04-05 Investor Relations Global Contacts Tethys Oil AB TETY Morningstar Rating Rating as of Apr 2, 2021. Quote Stock Livestreamed Seminar Today - ABGSC Investor Day 9 March 9 Mar 2021 / Article; Programme - ABGSC Investor Day 9 March 19 Feb 2021 / Article; Tethys Oil - Thameen-1 results are due in February 9 Feb 2021 / Analys; Tethys Oil - Another year with good reserve replacement 9 Feb 2021 / Analys; Invitation - ABGSC Investor Day Livestreamed Seminar 9 March 2020-07-05 Tethys Oil (STO:TETY) has had a great run on the share market with its stock up by a significant 48% over the last three months. Given that stock prices are usually aligned with a company's financial performance in the long-term, we decided to study its financial indicators more closely to see if they had a hand to play in the recent price move. Tethys Oil Ab Investors. Free real-time prices and the most active stock market forums.

Wallenstam Årsredovisning 2018 - Investor relations Aktier direktavkastning 2018. Tethys Oil AB; Direktavkastning.
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Source: Tethys Petroleum Limited Tethys Oil is an independent E&P company with its core operation in Oman. Tethys is the partner on Blocks 3&4, which produces ~13,000 boe/d net to Tethys before government take.

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Tethys Petroleum Limited Sabin Rossi, - All Investor Queries Vice President Investor Relations Office: +1 416-941-1257 +1 416-947-0167 (FAX) Europe: Tethys Petroleum Limited Tethys Oil AB: Tethys Oil har inlett prospekteringsborrning på Block 49 onshore Oman. Prospekteringsborrningen Thameen-1 har inletts på Block 49 onshore Sultanatet Oman. Borrningen planeras att genomföras till ett djup om cirka 4 000 meter under mark och pågå i Find the latest Tethys Oil AB (TETY.ST) stock quote, history, news and other vital information to help you with your stock trading and investing.

Tethys Oil AB - Kravmagadefensapersonaluruguay.es

Chairman, Nomination Committee at Tethys Oil AB. 2021-04-09 Investor Relations Global Contacts Tethys Oil AB TETY Morningstar Rating Rating as of Mar 26, 2021. Quote Stock The AKD02 appraisal well is the first appraisal well of the AKD01 (Doris) oil discovery that flowed at a rate of 6,800 barrels of oil per day ("bopd") and will provide valuable further information on the size of the new oil … Tethys Petroleum derives its name from the Tethys Ocean, which covered Central Asia and surrounding areas some 250 million years ago. Many of the rocks, which were deposited in this ocean, now contain some of the world's largest oil and gas fields in Central Asia – Tethys Petroleum's focus area. 2021-04-09 Fearnley höjer riktkursen för Tethys Oil till 85 kronor (80), upprepar köp (Finwire) 2021-03-10 10:14.

Investors Welcome to the Tethys Oil’s investor relations pages. Tethys Oil’s IR work is guided by principles of regular and correct disclosure of information. The shares are listed on NASDAQ Stockholm (TETY). 11,508 barrels of oil per day. Tethys Oil’s share of the production, before government take, from Blocks 3&4 onshore the Sultanate of Oman amounted in March 2021 to 356,736 barrels of oil, corresponding to 11,508 barrels of oil per day.