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District Of Columbia. You should consider that a "true value" is everything except 0 and not only 1. So instead of 1=1 you should write 1<>0. Because when you will use parameter (@param <> 0) you could have some conversion issue. The most know is Access which translate True value on control as -1 instead of 1.

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Background & Context. True is the symbol that represents the Boolean value true. Expressions that can be rigorously established to be true return this symbol. Examples of testing expressions that may return True include Equal, Unequal, SameQ, UnsameQ, Less / Greater /etc., Exists, and quantifier elimination via … If you have Telegram, you can view and join Value DeFi 🔥🔥🔥 right away.
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Expressions that can be rigorously established to be true return this symbol. Examples of testing expressions that may return True include Equal , Unequal , SameQ , UnsameQ , Less / Greater /etc., Exists , and quantifier elimination via Resolve .

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