Blueprint of a Space Marine Bolter. Iconic, retro and rad


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Slang. excellent; wonderful; cool: a high speed, high energy, totally rad racing game. RAD Stands For: All acronyms (375) Airports & Locations (2) Business & Finance (8) Common (6) (a) Slang Exceptional; wonderful. (a) exemplary, brief for radical. (a) radian imp. & p.

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• Ayo 29 Mar 2021 Medical Definition of Rad Rad: Radiation absorbed dose, a measurement for a dose of ionizing radiation. QUESTION. What causes tooth decay  4 Oct 2016 Yes, Rad is a slang word, it is used to describe something that is good, or very nice. example: " Oh Merlyn , you have to try the new water park,  rad adjadjective: Describes a noun or pronoun--for example, "a tall girl," "an interesting book," "a big house." abbr, slang, dated (radical: cool, way out), cool adj  Böjningar av rad, Singular, Plural Indragna rader ovanför strecket gäller en särskild definition.

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Web. 13 April 2021. AMA All Acronyms.

What does rad mean in slang

Blatte - Urban Dictionary

What does rad mean in slang

Alphacool NexXxoS ST25 Full Copper 360mm Radiator! Alphacool is an internationally renowned company in the field of water cooling solutions former.

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"Your car needs a new rad/radiator." |Rad means very good,just check online dictionaries,there is all the information about "RAD". (accessed April 13, 2021).

RAD Stands For: Rad in Community Dictionary Slang and/or acronym the word "radical." by Antione Report definition awesome, but in an even more subdued way. rather than extreme or awesome.
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En rad partier kräver utredning om ett tredje juridiskt kön. De

med is (obs. inte kolsyreis) under transporten. Transport och 202. de Groot JJ, Ament SM, Maessen JM, Dejong CH, Kleijnen JM, Slangen BF. Enhanced. 5 apr.

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Abbreviated from radical, a term of approval amongst the young Californian surfers in the late 60s. 26 6.

Rad is an abbreviation for radical, meaning really cool. What does RAD mean? Get the full information of RAD acronym / abbreviation / slang definitions at Find out or define your RAD meaning in chat, Internet Slang or on Facebook! We have 2 RAD acronym and internet chat slang meanings for you. Meaning; RAD: Robot Alchemic Drive (video game) RAD: Reckless and Deadly (Raven Shield and RAD means "Radical, cool" So now you know - RAD means "Radical, cool" - don't thank us. Slang. excellent; wonderful; cool: a high speed, high energy, totally rad racing game.