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Aiutateci a far diventare questo progetto una realtà su kck.st/1TYLYrp Sponsored by Florida's Sports Coast. How a Blacksmith in Jordan Created His Own Sign Language. 9:02. In Naples, Praying With Skulls Is an Ancient Tradition. 7:28. Sign In Join Sign In. Join. Capsula Mundi, le nuove frontiere della sepoltura che trasformano il momento dell'addio in una forma di nuova vita sostenibile.
To avoid this, cancel and sign in to YouTube on your computer. Cancel. Confirm. Switch 2021-04-07 · Criada pelos designers italianos Anna Citelli e Raoul Bretzel, a Capsula Mundi é um receptáculo de formato oval, mais conhecido como uma urna biodegradável, feito a partir de bioplástico de amido, em que o corpo é colocado em uma posição fetal e posteriormente enterrado.
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After the burial, a tree, chosen in life by the deceased, in consideration of the local ecosystem, will be planted in top of it. Capsula Mundi biodegradable urn turns the ashes into a tree. Capsula Mundi urns are made in Italy.
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The first Italian project for green cemeteries. Il primo progetto italiano nato per promuovere la creazione di cimiteri verdi.
Delivered with Root Protection® coir disc containing ash neutralising agent.
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(CNN) — Your carbon footprint doesn’t end in the grave. Se hela listan på lhlic.com Capsula Mundi | Capsula Mundi is an innovative and eco-friendly green burial method. It’s a biodegradable egg-shaped pod for bodies or ashes and a tree is planted on top of it.
Non più grigie lapidi di pietra ma alberi vivi a formare un bosco, così Capsula Mundi vuole dare un futuro più ecologico alla sepoltura. Il video della campagna di crowdfunding di Capsula Mundi su Kickstarter! Aiutateci a far diventare questo progetto una realtà su kck.st/1TYLYrp
Sponsored by Florida's Sports Coast.
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It comes from the expertise of Italian artisans and each urn is realised with a semi hand-crafted production, using a biodegradable polymer (bioplastic). The Capsula Mundi organic burial pod comes in two shades — sand and white — both of which cost $457. The Living Urn starts at $129, the Bios Urn is $140, the Bios Urn for Pets is $99, and the Bios Incube ranges from $295 to $695. The Coeio Infinity Burial Suit (made of mushrooms) costs $1,500 and Coeio’s Infinity Burial Shroud also costs $1,500.
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The biodegradable urns cost $457, and that doesn’t factor in the cost of cremation or burial plots.
CAPSULA MUNDI BURIAL PODS. see link. BUY. In order to eliminate the high energy costs of cremation and the practice of cemetery recycling, two Italian designers have started a project called Capsula Mundi which, they believe, will help eliminate the need for tombstone-filled cemeteries. The video of the crowdfunding campaign of Capsula Mundi! Please support our project on kck.st/1TYLYrp Capsula Mundi is an Italian company aiming to redesign the way in which we bury the deceased. The two founders, Anna Citelli and Raoul Bretzel looked at the codified position that the coffin and the tombstone play in our Western society, and approached it with a fresh perspective, one which they believe is more eco-friendly and personal than our current method of committing a body to the earth. The Capsula Mundi urn is a biodegradable urn.